Discover the Club
When blockchain contributes to saving castles
French Castle Club has a unique mission : Save French Castles
But old stones has a cost often hard to assume alone. This is where the FC Club changes the deal : Community will acquire and restore exclusive french castles, and reward backers with an original "Castle way of life"
Take a membership and you will contribute directly to saving castles, but the best is to come. Depending on your level of contribution you will access more and more premium rewards, such as accomodation (live the castle life), NFT's, Castle investments opportunities, Free access & VIP access to Historical monuments when you visit france, Free access & VIP access to local Charity Dinners (Fundraising).
Private Club membership will start as low as 1 Eth, (for early knights) and 1rst level will be limited to a maximum of 10 000 members in 2 wave opportunities

How we Operate
Saving Castles is a 3 phase project you can discover below
Each Castle Opportunity is meticulously studied, to ensure the project will be a success. This includes examinating restoration works that will be handled once acquired, accomodation opportunities, event organisation capacities, and many other points allowing to make the right decision
Each castle will be acquired in a budget ranging from 500 to 750 eth
(1 M€ to 1,5 M€)
This will be the longest phase of each project in the aim to bring back to each castle it's original state and authenticity.
We will be working with monument architects and administration in order to give the best quality of work to the buildings the club will restore.
Each castle will have a restoration budget ranging from 250 to 750 eth
(500 K€ to 1,5 M€
Opening and Rewards
Once restoration is achieved, we will re-open publically the monument, including when possible event organisation (weddings, corporate or cultural events, ..)
We will also start selling accomodation opportunities to non club members, and offering accomodation or other rewards to club members (see details in the appropriate section)
Because Rome was not built in one day
Our Roadmap
March 2022 :
Silver Club (Level1) subscriptions open on OpenSea only in 2 waves :
First wave of 5000 members (early knights) will access this level for only 1Eth.
Second wave of 5000 members (late knights) will access this level for 2Eth.
We will then achieve our roadmap following each reached goals :
Wave 1 : Early Knights
10 % Goal (500 members): Are you kidding my stones ?
You can do better !
20% Goal (1000 members) : This is getting serious !
1rst Castle Saved (The selected castle will then be revealed)
Accomodation rewards revealed.
50% Goal (2500 members) : You rock pals !
At this stage the FC Club will have funded and saved 2 Castles (2500 Eth).
Club will also have revealed all wave 1 projects. We will start accomodation reward program.
80% Goal (4000 members) : These are not stones, but menhirs
Once this goal is achieved, Club will have saved 4 castles (4000 Eth).
We will then reveal All NFT caracteristics and prepare their allocation to your account as soon as possible.
We will also reveal all the programs associated to NFT trading and club rewards.
100 % Goal : Monuments have Karmas !
At this stage, Level 1 club membership is partially achieved, and Wave 1 totally achieved.
We will open Wave 2 program, and reveal following Levels (accessible only to level 1 members).
Club will have achieved saving 5 castles (worth 5000 eth), including buying and starting their restoration program.
Wave 2 : Earls and Barons
10 % Goal (500 members):
This first stage will allow to create a 500 Eth "Save my Castle" Fund for private Owners through the VMF prize (French Old Mansion Association) and allow to continue our acquisition program.
20% Goal (1000 members) :
Club will have become direct owner of 7 castles (worth 7500 Eth ) in France, and our first guests will have been elected to start living the "Castle way of life"
60% Goal (3000 members) :
At this stage the FC Club will have funded and saved 4 more Castles (worth 4000 Eth).
80% Goal (4000 members) : These are not stones, but menhirs
Once this goal is achieved, Club will have saved 1 premium castle (worth 2000 Eth), and open a new level of Level 1 rewards.
We will also present all following level programs and rewards associated to them.
100 % Goal :
At this stage, Level 1 club membership is totally achieved.
Club will have achieved saving 15 castles (worth 14000 Eth), including buying and starting their restoration program.
End of June 2022 :
We plan to achieve Level 1 roadmap, associate and allocate NFT's to each club member, and open NFT / Club membership trading on opensea. We will have revealed all Castles Saved and/or Acquired (15 castles at this level), we will also have made available the Club workshop and workboard (details to come).
September 2022 :
All acquisition's and castle saving programs should have been engaged. There is a 1 Year program delay that will run from here.
If Level 1 trading has been a success, we will open Level 2 ( Gold level - Counts and Marquis ) subscription program.
Level 2 will be reserved to an exclusive set of 1000 members all issued of Level 1 members. It will not be possible to elect to level 2 if you are not a level 1 member)